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looking for the brook which runs with the first lake from the second and at last found it just opposite our camp between two long points. It is a long and crooked approach to 2" lake through a wide meadow. You leave the brook at the first fork and take the one to the left. At 2" lake you enter at a point of pines. The wind blew a gale but we pushed across nearly S. under the [[lee?]] of a couple of islands and found the thoroughfare just before we reached the sand beach where we [[?]] 8 years ago at the S.E. end of the lake Just then we met a man in an old birch who seemed to have nothing but a meal bag with some little thing in it in the bow. He told us the brook on which was the trout hole came in on the right about 3/4 of a mile away. As we rounded a point to the right we came upon an inlet in which there was a current and up which we went. I thought I heard running water and proposed going to the end but Royal said it was not the place and we returned contrary to my judgement and rounding the point went down to the extreme end of the lake not seeing a sign of a brook. We returned to the inlet and I determined to examine it thoroughly First near the head on the right we came to a corduroy road through a cedar swamp where we landed and up which Royal went and was gone 3/4 of an hour reporting a lake at the end but no signs of a brook. We continued up the inlet and saw another road which I noted and a short distance beyond came to the brook I had heard falling over the rocks. We were satisfied this was the place and went back to the road up which we walked to where it has crossed by a bridge now gone. Then we struck up stream as we had been directed and after a quarter of a mile of pretty rough walking reached the hole at the foot of rapid water near some rocks. It was a thoroughly promising place. I cast and in a short time had a rise. The next cast I took a pound trout and that was all. I whipped the pool faithfully for an hour to no effect. We had wasted so much time reaching here that it was now 3 oclock and time to return. We reached camp in an hour and a half and had our trout broiled for supper which Eastman