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and ordered them to bring back every rod they had taken away. I told them I had been watching for just such depredators and I meant what I said and that if they did not bring back every rod I would take measures to see if I could not prevent this sort of trespass. They promised they would but could not do it today. I reiterated my demand that it must be done and that I intended to see it was done. They took off and restored what they had on the wagon and I came home. The truth is I am going away Monday and I do not know their names but I can find out. These lawless fellows are continually on the watch to take whatever they can get away with.

Saturday Sept 28". 1889 Fine, cool day. Down town. Went to see Tom Tremper to apologize for having forgotten the soldiers monument meeting on Friday. There is to be another meeting next Friday but I will not be here. Woolsey did not get his petition for his grade on Chestnut St. before the Council. Couly and others as well as myself do not think it a good grade. The Council voted for a sewer in Holmes St. and there is more taxation for us. I have been arranging for leaving early Monday morning. Sara went to High Falls with John today to return tomorrow. She had a letter from Janette. They cannot come to visit her which we both regret. I wrote this evening to Mrs. von Glümer. There was a new moon this evening so we will have moonlight in the woods. We finished the lounge today.
Sunday 29" A fine bright morning and a beautiful, still day. I have been alone all day. Have been in the garden gathering seeds and looking about. Next year we will probably have no garden or if any a very small one as a hundred foot square is taken out of the heart of it already and probably more will be sold by that time. The old root cellar roof caved in yesterday or today. It has done its duty. I wrote to Janette a short letter. I leave tomorrow morning by the 7 o'clock train via West Shore and Boston and Albany expect to get my breakfast in Albany as the train leaves there at 10. All my plans so far have resulted successfully. If my whole trip is as successful we will have a good time. Sara had a letter from Mary. Calvert is in bed again with his carbuncles. Sara came home this evening from High Falls.

Thursday Oct 24 1889. I remained at Mr. Sawyers all day yesterday and left at 7. this morning to get the 8:30 train by Hoosac Tunnel. Had my breakfast in the station as I would not allow them to get my breakfast before I left. A cold morning but a most beautiful day. We reached Albany at 3:30. There are always by this route exasperating delays between Eagle Bridge and Albany but they ran into the West Shore Station in Albany and got there in time for the 4 O'clock train so that I was at home a little after 6. Sara had closed up the parlor today and made fire in the sitting room and we sat by it and talked until after 10. She has had visits from Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Warren both of whom were telegraphed for to go home on account of illness. 

[[left margin]] stove [[/left margin]]

Friday 25" A quiet grey morning. The leaves are pretty much all fallen and it seems late in the year. Crosby is at work on the cellar of his house on his lots in our garden. It seems strange to see our pretty, old garden thus destroyed but we have made up our minds to it and so are able to take it philosophically. I have been all forenoon unpacking and putting my things away and have not entirely finished. I am glad to be home again and feel contented and happy. Our affairs look reasonably encouraging and that makes me contented. After all though I am easily troubled I think I am easily satisfied. Independence is happiness to me. I wrote to Eastman and sent him a statement of what I had paid on our joint account.

Saturday 26" Spoke to McCullogh this morning, who is doing the the mason work on Crosby's house to give me an estimate of what he will move the wing of this house to the lot west for. Isaac Mr North and Frank D. Dewey have bought lots 4 (carriage house lot) and 5. I have made out the deeds today. Went down town and had my hair cut and did errands. Katy Murphy nee Leonard, who used to live with Gertrude and me when we were first married, and her daughter Gertrude came to see us today. Her husband died about the time of the blizzard. She looked old and worn. Her daughter was a very pretty modest girl of 15. She wants to work out to get money to study music. They still live on the Saw-

Transcription Notes:
unable to read the sideways font above Friday 25th ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-21 15:49:22 I think it says slave? I think "stove" I agree "stove" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-21 22:46:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-22 11:05:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-22 15:32:39