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This seems to me just all around. I pay what we offered these lots for but for which we found no purchasers and for the house, more than anyone else we know of would pay as in all our calculations of sale we have not placed any value on the buildings. Coykendall when we were trying to sell to him said he would consider the house of no value and so did Myron Teller. It is of value to me, perhaps more than to anyone else. I wish now I were able to move the wing over on Girards lot, but it takes all my claim against the estate to make this purchase, or nearly all and now I must begin to make an effort to sell my place which I think in a short time will bring a good price.

Sunday Nov. 3 1889. Rained nearly all day clearing late in the afternoon. Very mild temperature. I wrote to Lucy and to Calvert. Girard and the children came over in the afternoon. Sara found one of Marions wax dolls, much dilapidated, for Florence and it was amusing to see her devotion to it. John and Julia came up and spent the evening. John had had a letter from Nannie and she did not seem so greatly disappointed as we feared that it was not thought advisable for her to take a journey just yet. Henry Abbeys wife died at the Middletown Asylum on Saturday. I understand they had separated on account of some trouble. This notice of the funeral struck me as strange as not mentioning that she was the wife of Henry Abbey.
[[newspaper clipping]]
ABBEY-Mary Louise, at Middletons N.Y., November 2, 1889.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral at the residence of her father, Elijah DuBois, Clinton-avenue, on Monday November 4 at 11 A.M. Interment private.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Monday 4" The sun came out bright and beautiful this morning and the day has been perfection. The mercury was just at the freezing point this morning. I went down town as usual and after I returned I went down on the side hill to do some measuring. I have had Tom cut down an apple tree and a cherry tree which came on the street (McEntee Hill=way) which he has been clearing up today besides taking down the remainder of the garden fence. This afternoon after much deliberation and consideration I had him cut an apple tree in front which comes directly between us and Hussey hill and which, with two or three others we have had to cut down every year in order not to have the fine views of the valley shut out. I decided it was well to do it now while we controlled the land. My father planted these trees and this one was full 16 inches through and as firm and as sound as a nut. It gave me a pang when it fell to the earth with a great crash, but I console myself with the reflection that like many of us mortals it has outlived its usefulness and belonged only to the past. I mean to keep a piece of the butt to have some palettes made from it. While I was out in front of the house today the new Baptist minister Mr.  came up and introduced himself. He seemed to enjoy the beauty of the place and the day and is apparently fond of nature and of walking. We spent the evening down at Cantines.

Tuesday 5" The day has been dark and cool. Directly after breakfast Tom and I went down and voted the full Republican ticket. The town looked very quiet, more like Sunday than an election day and there were very few about the polls. Tom is at work cutting the apple tree in front of the house to the south. I helped him sawing the butt of the one he cut yesterday which I am going to keep for palettes. I am having these trees cut, a Baldwin, a Suk-no-fan-ther and a smaller one the species of which I do not know. I am doing nothing about my plans here until it is settled whether I am to have the place and besides I hear nothing of the releases of the lots for North and Dewey which were sent for a week ago.

Wednesday 6" I rode up to Kingston to Kenyon & Sharpes office to see if the releases had come. They had not, and I walked home. The elections yesterday were discouragingly in favor of the Democrats. In our own county the Republicans were ahead electing Clearwater Judge and Vanderlyn Dist Attorney. After dinner, it being a beautiful day Sara and walked down to the ferry and took the 2:15 boat on the river. From there we walked down to Ellerbie and down to the dock hoping to get the Pokeepsie boat home but we learned our boat had been taken off and the other came too late for us so we walked back and got the 4:10 boat home.

Thursday 7. I got a note from Bailey asking me to come up and spend Sunday with him. I wrote him I would do so. Today I made seven bowls of cabbage into sauerkraut, much to Katies amusement. After dinner according to agreement we walked up to the W.S. station and took the 4.10 train for Pokeepsie to pass the night with the Wilkinsons and Mary Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Bachelder arrived just as we did and Robert came up from N.Y. so that we all dined together including Edith, who is the only one of their children home, and Mrs. Wilkinson. They have put an extension

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