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my picture was marked "sold" but I have had no notice of it and somewhat doubt it particularly as it was not reported in todays Tribune among the sales. Once before a card got on my picture by mistake and I fear this as another case of that kind.

Monday March 3" 1890. Cold weather. There was a snowstorm in N.Y. last night enough to make sleighing for a short time. The fence in the lower end of Marys lot at the chimney was blown down and I set Tom to putting it up and helped him a little, but I am little use at any manual labor now. I went down town and did some errands and puttered about at various things in the afternoon among others, sowed some garden seeds in a small box for some early plants. Mrs. Forsyth called and informed us of the meeting of our question Society's meeting at their house this evening. Sara and I went with Cantine & Miss Shepperd and had an enjoyable evening although we were able to take only a small part in the discussion, the subject being Gustavus Adolphus. The society is to meet at our house the next time the 18th and the subject is Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Tuesday 4" Election Day for Mayor & Aldermen. Tom and I went early and voted for John then I came home, having bought a grapnel and fished out the bucket from the well. Yesterday a lout of a fellow working at Jone's new house to whom I lent the key of the well, dropped his hat in it and fished for it for a long time before he got it. This disgusted me and after having got the bucket and a lot of sticks which the children had thrown in I closed the well and now we shall use the city water. All sorts of petty vexations once at home, from the indifference and carelessness of other people, the result of the state of confusion we are in from dividing up our land and the consequent building on the lots. I came away by the 4 o'clock train. Mr. Abel Crosby sat with me as far as Cornwall and talked about Maj. Cornell & Sam with whom he is "out" to my surprise. Before I came away Dr. Gaines sent up a load of manure for our hot bed and Tom will have it ready by the time I go up again. I went to the Century and got some supper and came to my room where I found a letter from Lucy dated Feb. 28" giving an account of the celebration of their silver wedding. Our candelabrum had arrived and was as it proves a most acceptable present. Almost everything came in time and it was evidently a successful and happy affair. There was also a letter from Whittredge who is still very weak. He only just got out of doors for a little the day he wrote. An invitation to dine on Thursday from Mrs. Lockwood de Forest, a scrap from Mary Gifford with a photograph of Sanford for the Trinity historical Society of Dallas, Texas. She is staying at Mr. Van Ingens in Brooklyn for a few days and cards of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Crawford who have called in my absence! but with no address. Wrote to Mary Gifford.

Wednesday 5" The day has gone attending to little things. In the morning I got the key of Whittredges room and went in to attend to his pictures as he requested me to in his letter. I put them together in the south end of his room and covered them up and then came to my studio and wrote to him. I saw by the Tribune that John McEntee was defeated for mayor by John Kraft by 200. I am not only greatly disappointed but surprised as I thought he would easily win. Nicole spoke very encouragingly of my picture "The Fall of the year" at the Century. He thought it one of my best and said they gave it the place of honor. Wood told me my water color is sold - that Galt told him it was. I received a letter from Mrs. Horace Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury wanting some information about the picture her husband bought of me as, when he bought &c. She said it had always been a favorite of his and it seems to be a continued satisfaction to her. I wrote her this evening. I called on Mrs. Jas. Boorman Johnston. Rob. de Forest and his wife were there and Miss Mary Johnston

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-24 13:02:40