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on the opposite side the street. It quite discouraged me as it is twice what I hoped it might be 

Monday Apl. 7" 1890.  Down town with Girard to see about opposing the unjust assessment. Saw John McEntee, and when I asked him if the owners of the property would join together in protest if it would not be a good idea to get Cantine to represent us. He thought it would, but meeting Cantine shortly afterward I got an impression he was not greatly interested and when I told him I would not pay ours until I was compelled to he replied "you will have to pay it and before long too" We went to see Jas Van Deusens nephew who represents him in his absence. He was not in favor of seeing Cantine but said he had influence with one of the assessors, Nathaniel Booth and he would see him and let me know tomorrow. Tom mended the fence along Wooleys line which was blown down Friday night. It is so old and rotten that it will keep us mending it all summer. Sara went to a house meeting and saw Mrs. Overbagh, Mr Cornells sister. She talked with her about the will in  which neither she nor her sisters, two or three of whom are widows, were not even mentioned. They naturally feel very badly. She said she she had heard that Young, the Executor of the will had hired one house for five years, but Sara told her it was not so. They have evidently talked of it as her sister thought she heard them say they had actually hired it. In the evening Sara and I with Mrs Sheffield attended the Question Club at Rev Dr. Van Slykes. I was in no mood to go but it was a pleasant meeting after all. The subject was "[[C?]]"

Tuesday 8"  [[left margin]] planted peas [[/left margin]]
Down town early to see if Van Deusen had any thing to offer concerning the assessment. Said he had been to his house twice but could not find him, and so I have determined to go to N.Y. today to attend the Academy subscription dinner and return tomorrow to appear personally before the assessors to state our grievance. Girard told me Nathan Simms had been scolding him about Mrs Folandts lot which they graded before they got the boundaries. I gave them the boundaries last fall and hired Van Ettan specially to do it. I went over there when I returned home and found the stakes there and Tongue at work grading and that Simms fuss was entirely gratuitous. Sara went out to Wilbur to look for a girl in place of Katy Hilles who leaves us on Monday to our great regret. Tom planted peas today. DeGarmo at last is hauling the manure he owes me. I came away with the noon train. Sara got out of the street car as I got in and said she had secured the servant she went to see. Herman Romeyn was in the car. When I arrived at the studio I found a notice that I am on the reception com. of the Academy dinner and we are to meet at 6.30. It rained most of the afternoon. The first academy dinner with invited guests took place this evening and was in every way a success. Every one seemed delighted and there was a feeling that it should be made an annual affair. I think it will tend, almost more than any thing else we could have done to give distinction to the academy. 

Wednesday 9" I returned to Rondout by the 9.55 train. It was a rainy day. I went immediately to the City Hall to meet the assessors in the matter of the paving of Holmes St. They were all three there, Booth, Halliha and McEwen, not a very promising lot to have the disposal of our property. I stated my grievance but I think it had very little effect. I tried to show the injustice of taxing our side of the street the same as the more valuable property on the other side, but we will undoubtedly have to pay it, in all nearly $1000 about 1/4 the whole cost. I came home pretty well discouraged

Transcription Notes:
Unknown name beginning with "C" in entry for Monday, April 7: someone suggested Camus, but that doesn't fit with the time period. The name also appears on several previous pages, so if someone figures it out, it needs to be corrected on those pages as well.