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locality. Miss Chamberlain was there calling, daughter of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain who married Miss Endicott. We also called on Dr. Heber Newtons cottage situated directly in the sand-dunes only a very short distance from the breakers. We saw him and his wife for a moment. We went back to the Reeds the same evening. On our way home we spent a few hours in N.Y. making some purchases. It was warm riding up in the cars but a delightfully cool evening.

Saturday Aug. 30" 1890. Cool and delightful. It rained very hard in the night but today has been one of the most lovely. I awoke feeling very badly but it passed by after a little. I went down town and got a large mail, among them a letter from Eastman Johnson who has trouble with his eyes. I have been busy about a thousand things among others have made Marys cherry Béarnaise and a little for myself. I find 2 galls. whiskey and about 3½ quarts of cherries with say 4 or 5 lbs sugar makes 10 claret bottles, (quarts) and 2 small Tokay bottles (pints) of Béarnaise. Some of the children had got one of the buckets in the well and I had to fish an hour for that. Sara's blankets I bought in N.Y. have come and I had the sail maker here putting new ropes in my small tent. He also brought up the fly for it and I am getting things together for our Maine trip.
[[/margin]] Cherry Béarnaise[[/margin]]

Sunday 31". Cool and fine. The lovely days continue. Today a rich atmosphere and fine skies and so cool a fire in the parlor was very comfortable. I wrote to Eastman Johnson whose eyes are troubling him – also a note to the Editor of the Times at the request of Mr. Douglas Merritt of Rhinebeck asking him editorially to say something about the steam whistle nuisance, and have done many little things in the way of preparation for the woods. At two o'clock I walked up to Kingston to meet with the monument committee at Genl. Sharpes. All were there, Sharpe, Van Tassell, Longhran and I. Mr. Field of Frederick & Field the contractors, was also present and Mr Phinney Commander of Pratt Post G.A.R. We paid Field $2000 in a draft on the County Treas. Elected Sharpe Chairman in place of Col. Tremper and John Maxwell to fill the vacancy on our Committee. We also signed a paper directed to John Maxwell chairman of the Citizens Com. turning over the monument to them, completed at any time after Oct. 1" and thus placed the dedication of it in their hands. The stone work is up, the two bronze figures and the Cavalry and Artillery emblems are here and the granite figure of Victory ready to be forwarded. The Arms of the State of N.Y. and the tablet with the inscription will be finished at once. – We dined at 5 and Mary & Girard and little Florence dined with us. Cantine & Miss Sheffield called just before dinner. She and Agnes have just returned from the seashore. In the evening we went down to Mrs. Andersons and called on the McKibbens. We found them all in the dining room in front of a fire in the hearth.

[[press clipping]]
GILLIES——At Delhi, N. Y., on August 29, 1890, Mrs Grace Gillies, wife of P. M. Gillies, Editor of Delhi Express.
[[/press clipping]]

Monday September 1", 1890.
Beautiful day, cool, bright and quiet. I went down town and got a box to pack my heavy things in for the woods. This is "Labor Day" a legal holiday and many of the stores were shut. Winters Express delivered the box at the house and I unpacked my trunk and put all the heavy things in the box to be sent by Express which kept me until noon and more. I feel I have nearly everything we will need. I wrote to Park & Tolford to send me a number of things to Mattawamkeag care of T. Reed – coffee, tea, bacon, dried peaches, condensed milk, pickles &c. – This Mrs. Gillies of whose death the above is a notice lived here a while and it was she for whom Miss Elliott bought a lot of us but has since sold to Sam as they had gone to Delhi to live. She was a sweet, bright little woman. I think she died in child-birth. John & Julia came up this evening. John had evidently been anxious that the business with Sam has not been closed and probably 

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