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[[newspaper clipping]]
[[margin]] Freeman Sept. 4, 1890 [[/margin]]
An Old Hudson River Boatman Passes Away at New Hamburgh.
D. H. Bishop, for many years the First Mate of the steamboat Mary Powell, died at New Hamburgh last night. The deceased had not been in strictly good health for nearly a year, but it was not until a short time ago that he was compelled to leave the Powell. Perhaps there was no better known Hudson river boatman man than Mr. Bishop. He was well liked by the traveling public, and had long ago become one of the fixtures of the boat on which he was for so long a period an officer, and which he always alluded to with pride. He was connected with the Andersons on the Powell line for about 30 years. He was a bachelor. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Pilots, and in order that members of the order may have an opportunity of attending the funeral, which will be held at New Hamburg to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, Captain A. E. Anderson has placed the Powell at free disposal for that special purpose. It will leave its dock here at 1 o'clock. The Captain also stated in his telegram that all of the friends of the deceased are cordially invited to attend.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Sunday Sept. 7" 1890.  A pleasant day. I have been sewing up my blankets & tents and the cott I had out in Mink Hollow preparatory to sending them to Mattawamkeag tomorrow or Tuesday.  Girard and his boys went to New=Hamburgh on the Mary Powell to attend Bishops funeral.  My eye is quite troublesome and seems to confuse everything.  I enclosed check to Fred Norton dated [[strikethrough]] tomorrow [[/strikethrough]] Oct. 14 for the note he had discounted for me.  Also enclosed a check to Rock for $37. to bal my account.

Monday 8".  Getting my traps ready to send off tomorrow.  A note came from Maj. Wilkinson wanting Sara and me to go with him and Julia up to Bisby about Oct. 10".  He would get either Maurice's or Boardmans cottage and he invites us at his expense except R-R fares.  Bill Van Bramer came to look at our apple crop today.  I sold it to him on the trees except the Spitzenbergh tree for $25. to pay me $10 on Saturday and the balance when he gathers the apples.  Inquired for Sam who was in N.Y.  He was to pay me $1500 today but I can wait a little 

Tuesday 9".  A letter from Church.  Louis is to go with us.  I wrote him all about meeting us in Boston next Tuesday.  Alice wants us to come Saturday but Sara has written her that it is impossible. Wrote Royal to get a guide and a canoe for Louis and telling him we would be there Wednesday.  My things went to Matta - by Express today - 5 pieces.  I sent check to Bowyer for $10. to get me two tourists beds and have them sent to me at Matta as his camp bed is not entirely successful.  Also wrote Wilkinson we could not accept as we were just about going away.  A note from Dr. Hunt from Otego saying he will be there until the 7". I was going to N.Y. to see him tomorrow.  Now I will not go and wrote Fred Norton [[strikethrough]] enclosing check [[/strikethrough]] that I would not come.  My eye is no better and my head is confused by it but I hope the Maine woods will help me.  Went to Kingston to attend the meeting of the Citizens Commmittee on the monument.  Not many there.  The Grand Army men had most to say.  They objected to the anniversary of the burning of Kingston and finally decided on Oct. 22 for the dedication.  G.D.B. Hasbrouck, Linson & others spoke briefly.  After a long and rambling talk it was finally left to a committee to make all arrangements, consisting of the commanders of Grant & Pratt ports, the Mayor, the chairman of the board of Supervisors, the chairman of the Citizens Committee, the Com. of Supervisors, with power to add them to and the meeting adjourned. 

Wednesday 10".  Cold drizzling rain.  Went down town.  Recd. a letter from Booth who had not yet got the release but would do as I proposed.  Went to Kingston to see Sharpe.  Kenyon is ill.  Sharpe is to send the release to Booths lawyer today and is to have the deed made ready for me to sign on Saturday and will send it to me here.  Masterstocks estimate on Toms house is $1800 - $305 above Diederich & Bruck.  I have given it to the latter with Toms approval.  Diederich came to see me this afternoon.  I am going to N.Y. tomorrow to have the contract drawn and he is to come here Saturday and sign it.  We have a fire in the parlor this afternoon.  I happened yesterday to see a picture of Madame von Glumer in the World and learned she is in N.Y.  Wrote to Stedman today to find out her address.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-23 15:16:29