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Mr. C. L. F. -2-

continued- companion to the mounted one in the folder. The Grolier Club, has asked for only one of this etching. Your purchases were, one from Wunderlich through Mr. Dewing in March 1903, for which you paid $30.00; and the other from Obach & Company in July 1903, for which you paid $30.00. Will I send only one of them, and which of the two?

I note the pencil notation on the yellow memorandum, which you left with Stephen, that, if the prints were sent Mr. Chew, to write him, that in no case, must the mount of No. 179 (Ponte Piovan) be cut. As your instructions to me were to detach the prints from the mounts before sending them away, my understanding now is, to detach all but No.179, (one of 26 Venice set). Mr. Chew's reference to "Nude Figure, reclining", and Grolier No. 337, "Little Nude Figure", at the end of his letter is relative to the last paragraph in your letter to him, written on the day you left, which reads:-

"Your list, also calls for "Nude Figure, reclining" W-337; I suppose the print you really wish, is "Nude Figure, reclining", Supplement 304".

Both these prints were on the original list, as well as the one received some days ago, and are amongst these ready to be sent them. They simply referred to "Nude Figure, Reclining", as W-337, instead of Supplement 304.

I have had the prints which you left with Stephen, brought to the office, and I note that your initial is not on all of them. I will examine all carefully before sending them, and where the initial is missing, will place a small identification mark, in ink, on the back of each.

If you deem best, you may wire me upon receipt of this, and I will have the prints ready to express, upon word from you. On those