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To Yamanka & Co., Dr.
er 16th, 1903 190.   
 Address New York City

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Mr. Freer's No 353 | For 1 Kakamono by Tsunetaka Tosa, 
A Buddhist painting of Jizo seated in a lotus leaf. Below him are two groups of seven figures each, standing, and one figure kneeling. In the centre, between the groups, a water fall. | 600 00 [[checkmark]] |
As per the attached bill.  

Correct J M Kennedy  
Approved, C L Freer

Received of Charles L Freer, Six hundred and 00/100 [[checkmark]] Dollars in full of the above account.
January 7th 1903          
Yamanaka & Co
D.G.P. Ashikubo