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1 record of the inception, progress, and culmination of the anti-
2 slavery movement in the United States, and to assemble in the 
3 homestead of the late Frederick Douglass, commonly called
4 Cedar Hill, in the village of Anacostia, in the District of
5 Columbia, all such suitable exhibits of records or things illustrative
6 or commemorative of the antislavery movement and
7 history as may be donated to said association or acquired by
8 purchase, bequest, or other lawful means.
9 SEC. 2. That the said association, by and under the
10 name and title aforesaid, and their successors, shall be competent
11 at law and in equity to take to themselves and their
12 successors, for the use and behoof of said association, any
13 estate whatsoever, in any message, lands, tenements hereditaments,
14 goods, chattels, moneys, and other effects, by gift,
15 devise, grant, donation, bargain sale, conveyance, assurance,
16 or will; and the same to grant, bargain, sell, transfer, assign,
17 convey, assure, demise, declare to use, and farm let, and to
18 place out on interest, for the use of said association, in such
19 manner as to them, or a majority of them, shall be deemed
20 most beneficial to said association; and to receive the same,
21 their rents, issues, and profits, income, and interest, and
22 to apply the same for the proper use and benefit of
23 said association for the objects and purposes herein before
24 mentioned: and by the same name to sue and be
25 to implead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity


1 in all manner of suits, actions, and proceedings whatsoever,
2 and generally by and in the same name to do and
3 transact all and every the business touching or concerning
4 the premises; and that after the said association shall have
5 acquired title in fee simple to a whole or a part of certain
6 property situate and being in the village of Anacostia, District
7 of Columbia, commonly called Cedar Hill, and occupied by
8 the late Frederick Douglass as his homestead, the said association
9 may manage, repair, improve, and adorn the same in such
10 manner as the said incorporators or their successors, or a majority
11 of them, may deem meet and proper, in pursuance of
12 and in accordance with the objects and purposes for which
13 this said association is incorporated.
14 SEC. 3. That the first meeting of said incorporators
15 shall be held at said Cedar Hill, Anacostia, District of Columbia,
16 at such time as a majority of the persons herein above
17 named shall determine upon, after ten days' notice thereof
18 shall be given to each of said incorporators, at which said
19 first meeting, or at such other time thereafter as the said incorporators
20 may fix for that purpose, they may enact such
21 by-laws as they may see fit, not inconsistent with the laws of
22 the United States, regulating the government of the said
23 association
24 SEC. 4. That the government of said association shall
25 be vested in a board of trustees of not less than five members