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Frederick Douglass
Memorial and Historical 
Association, Inc.

wishes to reach 13,000,000 Negroes
to permit them to give $100,000
for the perpetual upkeep of the
Douglass Home in Washington, D.C.


The Sage of Anacostia
Douglass braved all obstacles to 
help make America free indeed.

Excerpts from Addresses by Douglass
"I have seen dark hours in my life and I have seen the darkness gradually disappearing, and the light gradually increasing. One by one I have seen obstacles removed, errors corrected, prejudices softened, proscriptions relinquished, and my people advancing in all the elements that make up the sum of general welfare. I remember that God reigns in eternity and that whatever delays, disappointments, and discouragements may come, truth, justice, liberty, and humanity shall prevail."