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[[image]] HOME OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS 1411 W Street, 5 E WASHINGTON, D. C. 9 acres in one tract; 5.08 acres in another tract This home represents what a slave might think, and further it represents what a slave might become. Therefore, this home must be kept as the "Source of Inspiration" for the Negro Youth of the Land. This shrine is one of the grandest sites in Washington, the Nation's Capital. Thousands have visited Douglass Home. Probably you have, and if so you know the needs and possibilities. LIFE OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS Born a slave about February 14, 1817. Escaped to New York, then to New Bedford. Became a great abolitionist with Garrison. Went to England; friends paid for his liberty. Issued the North Star. Raised 54th Massachusetts Regiment for Civil War. Appointed Recorder of Deeds. Appointed Minister to Haiti. Died at Cedar Hill, Anacostia, February 20, 1895. Buried at Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York MEMBERSHIPS Lite Member contributes $100.00 Contributing Life Member contributes $100, and in addition gives at least $10 per year. SUSTAINING MEMBERS Type 1--Pays at least $1 every year. Type 2-- Pays at least $5 every year. Tvpe 3--Fays at least $10 every year. Type 4--Pays at least $25 every year. Certain curtesies are given with the different memberships. Life Members and large donors may be elected to the various boards. Make all checks payable to the FREDERICK DOUGLASS MEMORIAL and HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. Mail to Mrs. Sallie W. Stewart 800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville 13, Indiana FREDERICK DOUGLASS MEMORIAL and HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. TRUSTEES President Mrs. Sallie W. Stewart 800 Lincoln Avenue Evansville 13, Indiana Secretary Mrs. A. L. Spaulding 510 Morris Street Charleston, W. Virginia Treasurer Mrs. M. Josenberger 703 N. Eleventh Street Fort Smith, Arkansas ADVISORY BOARD Mrs. Ada B. DeMent Mrs. F. E. Brackeen Miss Roberta Dunbar Mrs. M. M. Gibbs Mrs.Nellie Weaver Greene Mrs. M. M. Hubert Mrs. Ada Jackson Mrs.Mary McLeod Bethune Mrs. Frances I. Pierce Mrs. Elizabeth C. Brooks Mrs. Christine Smith Miss Hallie Q. Brown Dr. Mary F. Waring Miss Nannie Burroughs Miss Georgia Williams