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Seguin Texas. Goudalupe County
Sept # 8 1867

Maj gen Griffin Sir will you Permit me to Communicate to you in a few Lines from wich I will estate to you the foling trobble that theat accoured heare with Me and Freedman and my Employer and I will estate to you the case and you can Judge best for your self I John Holaday a Freedman [[?]] a contract with a Mr. Elkin and after I have made the crop we come in a of shute Mr Elkin was to Lest me have 1bales Plough to and Hoes and I was to keep them in [[?]] untill [[?]] and then I was to Delever eavry thing to him as I got them But as it is he has Not Give me anything in hand and I [[?]] nether mule [[inkblot]] nor Plought was Lest I go to him and Beg Mrs for them and I went to Inquire to Maj Smith and when I went there Mag Smith Did not do anything for mi atol and sent me Home unjesttifide and with out my Rights and I told Him then ef he would Not give me the Mules that I nead to tend the croop with if he would pay me for my croop he might have the Mules and then I got Mag Smith to come up than and  valyou the croop and when he come to see the crop he valyoud My corn at [[strikethrough]]one[[/strikethrough]] 1000 Bushshels that [[?]] me 500 Bushshalls two and a half [[?]] of [[?]] [[?]] and the Hole amount was only valyued at 300 Dollars and the cotton will bring theat Mauch monney with out the corn and I think that my crop is worth at least 800 Dollers and I would not Let him have it to that Evrything was to be found to me and I have to find Evrything now that I youre Moust Resspectfully [[?]] John Holady Freeman