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Maredian Bosque County, Texas Sept the 23rd 1867

Charles Garretson Asst Adjt General

Sir in compliance with your order of Sept. the 9th inst - I have to say I was Born in Nicholas County, Kentucky the 7th of April 1812 and in 1826 my Father moved to Virmilion County Illinoise - I went into the U.S. Army in 1832 and searved through the Black Hawk war of 1832. I came to Texas in 1835 and have been a citizen first of Coahulia & Texas under Mexico, then as the Republic of Texas, in 1845 Texas was annexed to the U.S. the most Glorious Govoment in the wourld, I claimed Bosque County Texas at the date of my Appointment an old settler in this County,
Vary Respectfully
your obt Servt
Philip Howard