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Office Sub. Ast Com
B.R.F. & A.L.
Crockett Texas
October 3d 1867

Dear Sir,
The following Statement I desire to make to make to you, in regard to a disturbance which occurred between myself as an Agent of the Bureau of R.F. & A L, and a portion of the citizens of Crockett, on the night of the 24th of September 1867. I was appointed and commissioned by special order No. 87 from Head Quarters Galveston B.R.F. & A L. on the 16th day of August last; as Asst. Sub. Asst Com B.R.F. & A.L. with my office at Crockett Texas I repaired to Crockett forthwith and proceeded to discharge the duty of said Office, in which freedmen were a party; I had some thirty civil cases, and three criminal cases a portion of said cases remain undisposed of - I would respectfully represent to you that the civil authorities do not award justice to the freedmen, on the contrary they seem disposed to tighten down on the poor and ignorant blacks, There appears to be a party of some 20 or 30 citizens who are in opposition to all law protecting or awarding equal justice to the freedmen and white union citizens, They have in the county jail six freedmen at present, the majority of whom are alleged and committed for petty offences, the jail is in a stinking condition