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and said prisoners but indifferently cared for, A. freedman was tried to-day alleged to having committed perjury, the proof was not sufficient to commit him, on the contrary the balance of proof in favor of the freedman, still John Blair who is the mayor, held this freedman (Bill Hardison) to a bail of eight hundred dollars to appear before the next term of the Dist. Court, in default of giving bail to go to jail - this is working a hard ship on him as he has neither money or property till he can have a hearing -

I have been creditably informed that freedmen have been killed in this county and no action taken in regard to it by either the civil or military authority - Numerous cases where the freedman can not or has not obtained pay for his labor in 65-66 & 1867 - said freedmen have complained to me of the injustice, When I took charge of the Bureau office there were only 5 or six cases docketed upon the books, where the fault is I will not say, but what few days I was in the Office there were as many as thirty cases docketed on the books - I received but two fines, in all amounting to fifteen dollars, which I have turned over to Mr. F.W. Rhienhard by order of Capt. J.H. Bradford

The freedmen are very anxious to organize schools; there is no disposition shown by the White citizens to encourage schools among them.