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the citizens this would [[sentence hidden by fold of page]] in the Confederate army and did all he could to persecute union men, he was a good representative for such a party - he assumes things in his statement that are not in evidence. Capt Bradford had to return to his duties at Centerville and could not spare the time for a full investigation, consequently I did not get in only a part of my evidence. Capt Bradford and Wm Rheinhard reviewed the evidence taken by Capt Bradford and issued to me the following order a copy of which I here annex ----

Office S.A. Commis
B.R.F. & AL
Crockett Tex Sept. 30 1867

Special order
No 1

I.  Dr. D.S. Hunsaker, Asst. Sub. Asst. Com. Bureau R.F. & AL is hereby relieved of duty at Crockett Texas, until the orders of the asst. Commissioner for the State of Texas can be known - 

II.  Capt. Fred. W. Rienhard, Asst Sub. A Com Bureau R.F. & A.L. is hereby directed to releive Dr. D.S. Hunsaker at Crockett Texas temporarily

III.  Dr. Hunsaker will turn over to Capt. Rienhard all Government property and money now in his possession, taking receipt in duplicate therefor - 

J.H. Bradford
Capt 26 inft
Sub. Ast. Com
Bureau R.F. & A.L