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did I see any intoxicating spirits in his party that night. The Doctor was not drunk nor do I think him at all under the influence of intoxicating drinks, There was considerable excitement but the Doctor never appeared to be excited. The guard arrested Mr Miller and took him to the Cundiff House, where the citizens between 30 and 50, some of them armed said that Miller must be turned loose, that he should not go to jail, and used a great many oaths, Miller was turned loose, because we were afraid that the citizens from threats made to the guard would overpower us -

Miller cursed the Bureau agent in very obscene language the U S. government and the officers while under arrest- The Citizens held a mob meeting at the Cundiff House, and I saw a party of 18 or 20 armed men patroling the streets that night, Dr. Hunsaker, did not hurt any body but left town at about 3,o'clock that night for Centerville to get soldiers,. The next day I saw about 12 armed men [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] of the citizens on horse back who said they were a going to pursue the Dr. and "taking paper and ink along to take all their names, and to kill all the freedmen with the Dr. and bring back a lock of their hair

At about 4,o'clock on the morning of the 25th inst as I was going along the road, I was arrested by the following citizens