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Dr. and "taking paper and ink along to take all their names, and to kill all the freedmen with the Dr. and bring back a lock of their hair

At about 4,o'clock on the morning of the 25th inst as I was going along the road, I was arrested by the following citizens who were armed, Joe. A. Wright, E.R. Helmn, McMurchison, Gus Aldrich  Willie Hayes and others whose name I do not recollect = Joe A Wright caught me by the hair and kicked me and they kept me at Mr. Leavertons store, while at this store I heard some of this party of white citizens say that they had shot at a gang of freedmen that night and they (freedmen) run - McMurchison is the man who said he shot at the gang also Doctor Raney, and while I was under arrest this party fired two double barrelled guns at a freedman - While under arrest with this party, they cursed the Bureau Agent, and said they just wanted to get hold of him to hang him - a red headed son of a bitch  this was a unanimous voice, Miller was with them also  They then put me in jail where I remained till released by Dr Hunsaker after his return

J. Westly Carpenter  his x mark

Sworn to and subscribed before me Oct 5th 1867
K Murchison JP HC}