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State of Texas
Colorado County } 

Harry Taylor f.m.c. being duly sworn according to law doth depose & state as follows. On Thursday Decr. 12th I was talking with Mr. James Sherrill in front of the store of Mr. Wm. M. Smith regarding some cotton seeds when young Isam Tooke came out of the store & said to me pushing me "go home old man you are drunk, go home." I then replied to him "let me alone Isam I am an old man & you a boy, let me alone I am attending to my own business" he then said "If you wont go home I'll see if I cant find some one who will make you go" & then went & got James Moore who came & took me by the arm & told me "to go home" I told him I had business to attend to & as soon as I got through I would go" he then started to push me off whereupon I tore loose from him & he left me & I returned to Mr Sherrill & finished my conversation with him when we both parted I did not see anything more of Moore until the next morning - On Monday morning Moore came to me & "told me that I had better leave town until afternoon as they were fixing a way to get me" I asked him what he meant he replied "that little affair of ours Thursday" I then said "I had not done any thing to him or any body else