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State of Texas }
County of Colorado }

James Moore f.m.c. being duly sworn according to law doth depose and states as follows -

On Thursday evening Decr. 12th I was passing along Spring St near Mr. Wm. M. Smith's store when I heard some loud & profane words passed between Harry Taylor f.m.c. and young Isam Tooke  I told Harry to come & go home with me & took him by the arm to lead him off  we went a few steps when he tore loose from me & struck me across the shoulder with his walking stick saying "G-d D-m you I wont go home with you or any other man until I get ready."

I told Harry on Monday last that he had better leave his shop in the morning & go down home until after dinner as they were going to try him & I thought if he did that, that it would pass over. I did not say to Mr. Foster that Mr Darden said that if the Bureau had not appeared as Harry's friend that he would not have put so heavy a bond on him but said that I had heard that said in his office 

I never made any complaint before Mr. Darden as I did not think that he did it [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethough]] angrily. The complaint as far as I know was preferred against Harry by Isam Tooke Sr. & I was subpoenaed as a witness in a case