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Office S.A. Comr. Bur. R.F & A.L.
14th Sub District of Texas
Columbus Tex. Decr. 16th 1867.

Lieut. J.P. Richardson U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl. Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Austin Tex.

I have the honor to submit the following to the Maj. Genl. Asst. Comg. in compliance with G.O. No.5. Par. 6 C.S. & written instructions from the A.A.A. Genl under date of April 11th 1867 -

Harry Taylor f.m.c. was to day arrested by order of W.I. Darden Mayor of this town charged with assault & battery on the persons of Isam Tooke Jr. & James Moody f.m.c. after the hearing the case as far as concerns Tooke was dropped & Taylor held to bail in the sum of $1000 for his appearance at the next term of the District Court This decision as will readily be seen by the accompanying affadavits were contrary to the evidence & the Bail excessive for the offence charged - The plain statement of facts are as follows, Taylor had made a contract for his son to work with Isam Tookes Sr. for the present year & on the settlement demanded the seed as a part of the Cotton crop & was at the