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State of Texas
County of Colorado }

James Sherrill being duly sworn according to law doth depose & say as follows - On Thursday Decr 12th 1867 I was sitting at the door of the store of Mr. Wm. M. Smith about supper time when Harry Taylor f.m.c. came to me & commenced to talk to me about some seeds from cotton in which his son was interested a few minutes after he came young Isam Tooke came out of the store & told him that he was drunk & to go home Harry stepped back & told him to go away & let him alone that he was not talking to him, a few words then passed between them when James Moore another freedman who is or was a constable came up & took Harry by the arm & started to lead him away when after taking a few steps Harry swung himself around & told him  to go away & not bother him. Harry had been drinking some but his conduct was orderly & I did not see him strike Moore & was looking at them all the time

J Sherrill

Sworn & subscribed to before me this 16th day of Decr. 1867 
Enon M. Harris
S.A. Comr.