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Your petitioner would further represent that, The Supreme Court of the State of Texas has decided that any contract, note or other obligation, accounts &c. made either in gold or expressed in dollars and cents as a face value can be paid and is discharged by the payment of the sum, face value, in U.S. currency. And your petitioner would further represent, that he represented the same to John H. Morrison Sub. asst Com. Bureau R.F.& A.L. whose only reply was "That my authority is higher than any civil courts or authority."

And your petitioner would further represent that in settlement between himself and (Freedmen) who were farming in partnership with him for the year 1867. the sd. Morrison did act by his decisions prejudicial to my interest. I would represent that I had furnished team, provender, [[strikethrough]] ploughs [[/strikethrough]] plows and other utensils; and I had furnished provisions, and purchased goods out of the stores, for said Freedmen, and had paid my money in advance for the same. for which they were to pay me, as per contract, as made appeare by their acknowledgment before said John H. Morrison. I would further represent that, beleiving [[strikethrough]] iny [[/strikethrough]] said Freedmen were disposing of their produce without having any settlement with me I [[strikethrough]] did [[/strikethrough]] in company with Alfred Harris (Freedman) the contracting party of said Freedmen with me, went before said John H. Morrison, and did ask for an injunction forbidding said Freedmen

Transcription Notes:
Removed the indications of [[underlining]] and [[insert]] to comply with Instructions. And made other corrections.