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Guest 1866. (a half brother of Elishas') Freedman name unknown killed one mile east of Clarksville in 1867. A freedman killed at Parson McKenzie Institute another shot and survived. freedman named Jerry was killed four miles north of Clarksville 1866. Freedman killed in Pine Creek Station during 1866. A freedman name unknown was killed by John Mc Wright on this side of Pine Creek, 1866. Two freedmen were killed near Colemans Mill by an unknown, 1866. Two freedmen killed at [[Dinwiddies?]] Mill, another shot and survived 1867. A freedman was shot at Colemans' farm 1866. Freedman was killed sixteen miles east of Clarksville 1866. John Rogers killed a freedman 7 miles west of Clarksville 1866. There are many more but I have not had time to collect them. I have no data and cannot remember cases of Murder and Outrage in Matagorda