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Office Sub Asst Commissr BRF&A.L. 12" Sub Dist Richmond Tex Feby 1. 1868 1st Lt. J.P. Richardson A.A.A. General BRF&AL Austin Texas. Lieutenant I have the honor to report that I have this day arrested a man named "Josiah King" who was fined by me in June 1867 (as reported) under the provisions of General Orders No 9 Hd Qrs BRF&AL. State of Texas dated Galveston Tex April 11" 1867. And Circular dated Hd Qrs BRF&A.L State of Texas. June 21. 1867. I have been unable heretofore to cause his arrest since the time he was fined and to recover the amount, he always evading and eluding me. He was fined fifty dollars for contempt of orders and swore he "would die before he would obey the damned Yankee Sons of B's" I have several times endeavored by sending the soldiers or by sending the Sheriff to arrest him since the time he was fined, at which time, he gave me two horses for security which (1)