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SBHQ Office Sub Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A L.
Richmond Bureau
April 30, 1867

Bvt Maj Genl H Doubleday.
Sub Asst Commr
B R F & A L
Galveston Texas
I have the honor to submit the following case for your action, it being in your Jurisdiction:
"Freedmen Stanford Andrews, Lafayette & Samuel Eaton living on Col. A. Q. Donovan's plantation in Colorado County, entrusted & placed in the hands of one D.C. Norwood resident of this place, their Cotton (Thirteen Bales) to sell for them; sometime during the month of December 1866; He said D.C. Norwood shipped the Cotton marked as follows (Eight Bales D C. N [[S underneath in diamond mark]]) (five Bales D.C.N [[S underneath]]
making the distinction of [[S in diamond mark]] (Diamond S)