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Richmond Feb 22nd, 1867
Messrs Wm Hendley & Co
I received yours a few days since in regard to the thirteen Bales of Cotton. Maj. Hinton has been absent from this place for several days consequently the delay in my answer. When Maj. Hinton made the application for the permit he made a mistake in the mark he had it sent for 12 Bales instead of 13 Bales he also made a mistake in the mark as told him positively to have marked ID [[S in Diamond mark]]C N & ID [[S above]} C N) he now says if you will have a letter Z C put upon the Cotton it will answer the same purpose & you can apply in Galveston for a permit for the one Bale as it has a Tag in it if you cannot get the permit in Galveston for the one Bale let me know and I will apply to Columbus for it.
Yours etc
D.C. Norwood.

A true copy 
A. Doubleday
sub asst Comr