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D.C. Norwood Jany 18th 1867 Thos P Fallon Geo S Schmidt & Co Richmond Jany 19th 1867 Messrs Henley & Co I have a Draft on your House in favor of Thomas P Fallon which I wish you to pay out of proceeds of the Cotton marked DN as the as the freedmen that the Cotton belonged to are indebted to me for near Two hundred Dollars. The Agent at Eagle Lake writes to me that he has shipped (13) thirteen Bales of Cotton to your house did I understand you to say that you had only received (12) twelve if so find where the other one is if it came to Galveston The draft given to Capt Fallon is for One hundred Dollars. I have some money coming to me from Louisiana & have given instructions for it to be sent to your House please let me know if it has come to hand. Yours &c DC Norwood A true copy A Doubleday Sub Asst Com