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during the late war between the states, the Confederate Government erected some buildings and made some improvements upon said land, to [[?]] of the value of -- dollars, but the petitioner says that said improvements were made without her consent or authorization. That she never did give her consent to the erection of the same. That she never deeded said land away to the Confederate Government or to any person whatever. That she never did sign any deed for said land herself nor did she sign it in connexion with her late husband. Petitioner further represents that in her present impoverished condition, she has been greatly harassed and troubled in mind, and also pecuniarily damaged, to wit in the sum of -- Dollars by the forcibly taken of said property by the authorities of the United State Government. Petitioner represents that in consequence of her poverty, she is unable to employ counsel to defend a suit, or to bring a suit in the Courts of the County for the recovery of her said property and if allowed to be sold, as it is now advertised to be, would be a certain denial to her of justice and that she has no remedy except to appeal to the sound discretion of the General commanding the State of Texas, and this appeal she makes to him in good faith and with every confidence. 
  Petitioner here files certified copies of