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Questions =
When did work commence on the factory &c = 
Was it before or after Rawlings death - 
If before he would of course have prevented it = 
No man would permit such a thing to be done by a govt & no agent of govt would be silly enough to do it = 

Question is did not Rawlings die after close of the way - 
Impression is he did =
Affidavit says he died May 4th" 1864 = 
Does Mrs. R deny that her husband ever sold the property 156 acres to Brewer=
She does not in the petition - 
She denies it was ever sold to the Confed Govt - Deed showing Brewer bought of her husband and sold it to the Conf. Govt =
Suppose link of title from Rawlings to Brewer cannot be found - what course is to be pursued.
Does not the possession and occupancy of the land give title - How long possession is necessary to give or rather make title good?  Answer 5 years = 
Advances must and should be paid for =

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 10:56:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 11:05:20