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(A.D. Cooper's testimony cond.)

in this county.  I have understood that two freedmen named Peter House, and Allen Tarver leased land of Mr. Wilson for two years, commencing, Jan. 1st, 1868, and were to receive all they made for improving the same.

Mr. Wilson is a man that will carry out in good faith any contract made with these Freedmen.  It appears that these two Freedmen suddenly left their homes some two weeks ago without giving anyone any intimation of their leaving to my knowledge, or their reasons for so doing.  My impression, however, is that an occurrence which took place a week previous to their leaving their homes, whereby five Freedmen were killed by some unknown persons, who are supposed to have come down from Bell County - alarmed them, and caused their precipitate flight.  I am satisfied that the persons who killed the five freedmen immediately left this section of country and that Peter and Allen would be safe in returning to their homes & usual employment.

Nov. 12th, 1868}   (signed) A.D. Cooper
                            Sheriff Milam County.