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I learned the following in regard to the murder of the freedman.

The freedman when shot was sitting on a block just outside the fence that surrounded his house, feeding his oxen when a man rode up to him and without speaking shot him in the right breast with a six shooter at the first shot he fell but the man fired again but did not hit him, he then rode off about fifty feet and dismounted but soon remounted and rode away.  A few minutes after the freedman was shot, before he had been raised from the ground where he fell, several men living in the neighborhood, at distances varying from one to three miles, rushed into the yard and inquired who was shot; among them was Dr. Powell and Mr. Clark.  When the first shot was fired the wife of the freedman who was shot ran towards him and was on the fence when the second shot was fired, she saw the man who shot her husband, but it being moonlight she could not tell exactly who