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I saw the tracks of two men, a small and a large one. The tracks appeared as if they came from Mt Pleasant,, and returned that way; one of the tracks looked like as if made by a large brogan, and the other made by a firm shoe or boot. It was quite small, very hollow in the instep, with a small heel. (No 5 shoe.) Jim went to Mr Cobb's to collect some money for old Aunt Rody Schell on Saturday the 21st December 1867. Mr Cobb lives on the Jefferson Road six miles from here; Old Aunt Shell lives with me; He & Jim worked with Mr Walker this year, and quit him one month ago, Christmas; Mr Carpenter told me that Mr Andy Walker said that if Jim didn't mind he would take his gun and blow him down; he used this language to Jimmy Bolder. Mr Walker told me that if he had a gun the day Jim was put in jail, when they were disputing about the corn he would have shot him at the risk of this life; My husband [[crossed-out]] said this way [[/crossed-out]] told Mr Walker that the way he (Walker) was dealing with him was'nt fair; - Young John Hall was at my house week before last and wanted to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] pistol with Jim [[/strikethrough]] sell a pistol, bedstead, & [[table?]] My husband was absent & I told him he had no money, so did'nt buy Young John Hall said my husband had money, he knew it, and he wanted it: - [[strikethrough]] my husband was absent. [[/strikethrough]] He told me to tell my
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Reopened for Editing 2023-03-21 21:30:35
Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 09:11:27