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the first noise I heard was that of English who said dont [[?]].  My  name is not English my name is Smith. I thought that Pearson had English down, and I sprung on the counter for the purposs of seeing if it was so, I saw but to all appearance as well as I could see Pearson had English by the neck. English had his gun with [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] boath hands, grasping it, while Pearson was clinging to English, and in the scuffle, boath were grasping the gun. I turned round to slam the door to, I being on the out side of the building, as I desired to escape [[strikethrough]] I having no arm and thinking I was in a bad scrape I having no arms and should [[/strikethrough]] I having no arms and thinking as was in a bad scrape. At [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] this time I saw [[strikethrough]] at that time I saw [[/strikethrough]] that Mr Pearson had jerked the gun from the hands of English. Pearson was then standing with the gun grasped by boath hands, having taken it from English, as I sprung off, I noticed English had drawn his pistol and had it presented toward Pearson. After I had made several leaps to escape, the pistol fired, after I had reached Mr Chambers stoor about thirty or forty yds, I heard another report, cannot tell whether it came from a pistol or not - I was afraid to go back and I kept on to my Dwelling I heard several people crying out there goes English I looked and saw a man riding on a clay [[back?]] Horse down the road going South who was English. I am confident it was English, I then went back and met the wife of the one who was killed, (Pearson) at my (grocery) More people had then gathered about, White and Black, I do not know how many,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 21:36:37