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on Friday night, and I left from there when I went to bed. 
(sig) JW Smith 
Fayette Yancy (Colored)
Do not know the prisoner. never saw him before yesterday. Was at the fire on Saturday morning. I live on the street running from the College west. When I got to the fire, Mr Smith's store had just caught. On my way to the fire, met a small man in shirt sleeves with bundle under his arm running from the direction of the fire. saw him still running in the same direction after he had passed me. Did not know him. He was clean faced. saw no other person going in the same direction. Know of nothing to implicate prisoner for theft.
(sig) Fayette Yancey his X mark

Sam Fitzgerald (Cold)
I am not acquainted with the prisoner. I was at the fire. on my way to fire met a white man running from the direction of the fire. He had a small bundle under his arm. Dont know who he was. Met him near the Baptist Church. When he came near me, he changed his direction. The fire had progressed considerably when I arrived It was burning the last house down the street. I know nothing of Mrs Hoffman loosing money except from hearsay.
(sig) Sam Fitzgerald his X mark