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Headquarters, Bureau R., F. & A. L.,
Galveston, Texas, 13 Septr, 1867.

Major General O. O. Howard,
Commissioner, &c.
Washington D.C.

I am instructed by Bvt. Major General Chas. Griffin, Asst. Com. to request that W. R. Maxwell be appointed an Agent of this Bureau at a Salary of $150. per Month, to take effect from September, 1st 1867.

General Griffin is not able to write, himself -

I am, General,
Very respectfully,
Your obdt. St.,
Chas. Garretson,
2nd Lt. 17th Inf.y.
A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-30 15:19:48