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33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
September 26th, 1905.

My dear Miss. Palmer:-
Your kind letter of September 23rd came last evening, containing the article in Mrs. Whistler's hand-writing, and I beg to thank you sincerely for your kindness in intrusting the same to my keeping. 

The extract from Mr. Whistler's own letter, concerning the painting of the Peacock Room, is of deep interest to me. It shall be carefully preserved, and shall remain always with the room as an item of most interesting historical and personal interest. 

I hope at some time in some way, to reciprocate your kindness. 

I regret to say that I have no knowledge of miniatures, nor do I know of any people who are interested in collection them. In fact, I have never heard of an American collection of miniatures. There are, however, several in Europe and France. Should I at any time learn of any one being interested in miniatures, I will be glad to let you know. 

I appreciate your kind desire to see me in Stonington, and the next time I visit New York I shall communicate with you, and if it will then be convenient to you, I shall go on to Stonington, at least for a few hours.