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915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
September 30th, 1905.

Hay Foundry & Iron Works,
Newark, N.J.

Replying to yours, of the 28th instant, relative to sending your men to Detroit on Tuesday next to erect the diffusing sash for Mr. Freer's building.

The work of finishing the fireproof roof, has been somewhat delayed, owing to the necessity of leaving some openings through which to hoist the chimney caps, and until the false work erected to support the roof is removed, it will be impossible for your men to work at the erection of the diffusing sash. This false work should be removed about a week from to-day, and by Monday, October 9th, I hope the gallery will be ready for you.

In any case, I shall write you the latter part of next week, just when your men may come here.

Yours very truly,
JM Kennedy