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October 2nd, 1905

Mr. B. Kobayashi,
Palmer House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear dear Sir:-
Your letter of September 27th was duly received, and I was glad to know of your meeting with Mr. Morse. He is a very enthusiastic student of Japanese art, and I have no doubt enjoyed the finest of your prints. I hope that you succeeded in selling him the best of your prints to him.

All of the paintings received from you have been forwarded, as requested, to you at the Palmer House, Chicago, excepting the one box to be forwarded to Mr. Homma. The delay to Mr. Homma's package has been caused by the difficulty experienced in getting a competent workman to line the box with tin. We hope to have this done to-day or tomorrow at the latest, after which the box will be sent through to Japan by the first express.

When you leave Chicago for New York please drop me a line so that I may know of your  movements.

With kind regards.
Yours very truly,