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I did not, however, mention the figures you gave me, but told him that your price was very reasonable. In his acknowledgement of my letter, he expresses similar belief, saying: "I think it cheap at the price they ask for it, but I should like a better example". So, you will see that I have anticipated your wish in not mentioning to any one the price you named to me for the canvas. 

I have had no word from Mr. Babbott concerning the picture, nor any other collector, excepting Mr. Canfiled, who met me in New York on my return to America and asked me what I had seen. I told him of the portrait you had, and my own impressions of the aesthetic charm of the picture. It is not the sort that would interest Mr. Canfiled in the slightest, so you are not likely to hear anything from him concerning it. I had hoped, however, that you would hear from some one who would properly care for it. 

By the way, may I ask you to forward an invoice showing the amount of my indebtedness to your firm? While it is only a small matter, still I would like to pay it as soon as you can send the statement to me. 

Mr. Morse was my guest here a few days ago, and he spoke most kindly of the courtesy shown by you to Miss. Watson and himself. 

With kindest regards. 
Very faithfully yours,
Charles L. Freer

Gus Mayer, Esq.,
Care, Obach & Co.,
168, New Bond St.,
London, W.