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33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
October 6th, 1905.

My dear Miss. Starr:-
Your courteous letter of October 5th came this morning, and as I am extremely busy to-day, I am sending a typewritten reply, which, I trust, you will excuse.

You are very kind to offer to send the bindings by Dove's Press mentioned, but I doubt if it would be worth the time and trouble, as I am not making any additions to my library at present. Your kind favor, however, is nonetheless appreciated.

I wish my knowledge of the Art conditions at Florence was general enough to be of value, but the truth is, I have not visited Italy during the last three years, and of book binding in "Sunny Italy", I know next to nothing. So, you will understand, that any thoughts I might have on the subject, would be of no particular value to any one.  

I fancy you are acquainted with both Mr. and Mrs. Berenson who have a Villa near Florence, and who spend a part of their time there. I feel confident that a letter addressed to either of them, would bring you in return, information of the most valuable kind.