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33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
October 6th, 1905

Frank Coykendall, Esq., 
V. P., Hudson River Blue Stone Co.,
Rondout, N. Y.

Dear Sir:-

Since my letter to you of September 20th, answering yours of the 15th ultimo, changes have been made in the plans for my garden fence. 

The number of lineal feet of fence to be built, has been reduced, and we find that we have enough stone left over from the building, to build the same. 

We shall, however, require the following coping:-
13 running feet coping, 20 inches wide, 6 inches thick. Rock-faced on both edges and one face; the other face, planed. 

We also require:
14 running feet coping, 18 inches wide, 3 inches thick. Rock surface on both edges and one face; the other face planed.

Will you kindly forward the same by freight, the earliest day possible?