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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 13th, 1905.

Mr. Julius Kahn,
Pres., Trussed Concrete Steel Co.,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Sir;-
Replying to your letter of the 12th inst. I feel that in requesting your representatives to replace broken tile and to fill up unfinished joints between tiles, I asked simply for work necessary to make the floors "fire-proof and sound-proof," as proposed in your original proposition.

I think, too, your letter of April 28th, in which you agree to construct this work, "in a thoroughly workman-like and first-class manner, subject to the full inspection and approval of the architect in every detail," and the verbal agreement of your Superintendent made with me in the presence of Colonel Hecker and Mr. Kennedy to the effect that the work should also be made absolutely satisfactory to me, includes all and more than I have required.

I would, also, call your attention to the third clause of the specifications, which reads,- "If any cutting of floors is needed, it shall be done without extra charge, also any repairing of floors from this or any other cause."

However, I am quite willing to leave to your own sense of fairness an adjustment [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] of the expense involved in the point at issue. I am even willing to exclude Mr. Eyre's own views of the matter rather than cause unnecessary discussion of trifling details.

I appreciate your remarks concerning the work already done in excess of what you contemplated, and thank you for having corrected so far the numerous errors of incompetent supervision and workmanship, chargeable in part to both your side and mine.