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I find Matsuki's price higher this year than ever, but must say that he treated me very satisfactorily on the whole. I did not inquire the prices of his prints, thinking it would be much better to leave him to your tender mercy. He will stand lots of "clubbing" so if you find things of interest among his prints, if the prices seem too high, do not be afraid to ask for a reduction.

I am sending along with this another letter referring to his prints which I dictated in his presence.

Thanks very much for the information given in your letter of the 15th instant about the Tibetan painting bought from Bing in Paris. A letter came from Marcel Bing yesterday telling me of his intention to sell his father's collection at auction at the end of next April. He says that a copy will be sent to me. He, doubtless, will send you one, also, without any request from me. But when I answer his letter I will suggest that he does not forget either yourself or Miss Watson.

With kindest regards,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Charles J. Morse, Esq.,
#1825 Asbury Avenue,
Evanston, Illinois.