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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
October 24th, 1905. 

R. L. Boutwell, Esq., 
#415 Sixteenth Street, 
Denver, Colorado. 

Dear Sir:-

Replying to your inquiry of October 21st.

Professor Ernest F. Fenollosa, of New York City, is the first critic in this country in Oriental Art, especially paintings. He is, also, very familiar with Chinese and Japanese metals and ceramics. His address is,- "The Barstow," #17-19 East 27th Street, New York City. 

If you will communicate with him, you can, doubtless, arrange to send to him such of your collection as you would like expert advice on. 

Another competent critic, especially in Oriental metals and ceramics is, Bunkio Matsuki, #380 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Mr. Matsuki, as you may know, is a dealer in Japanese and Chinese goods and has enjoyed unusual opportunities for learning much concerning the kind of articles you mention in your letter. 

Trusting that this information will answer your requirements, believe me, 

Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L Freer