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October 31st, 1905.

My dear Mr. Eyre,-

Referring to your letter of July 28th concerning the contract made with the Jones Decorated Glass Company, for glass for the diffusing sash in my gallery.

Will you be good enough to tell me what kind of glass you have arranged for. Is it transparent or ground? I would like full information as I have had my attention called to the glass used in the Buffalo Art Gallery, which I have found the best for the purpose I have thus far seen.

Thanking you in advance for the fullest available information, I remain,
Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer

Wilson Eyre, Esq.,
#929 Chestnut Street,

The diffusing sash are now erected, I have changed the shape so as to get the tangent arc circling about which I wrote Mr Warrington from England and which he failed to execute.