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#33 Ferry Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 2nd, 1905.

Dear Thayer:-

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has been in communication with me for some time about their forth-coming annual exhibition. And yesterday their new manager, Mr. Trask, who seems to be a very appreciative man, came here and invited me to take a new room, which they have recently finished, and hang it with a group of the work of yourself, Dewing, Tryon, and Whistler.

The plan is to leave the selection of pictures to myself; the hanging to Dewing, and to run the room absolutely independent of the jury and the hanging committee chosen for the regular annual exhibition. Mr. Trask is even willing to leave the coloring of the wall to Dewing and myself.

I said, in reply, that because of Mr. Whistler's confirmed condemnation of the treatment he received some years ago from the Philadelphia Academy, I would not loan any of my Whistler's. I gave him, however, the names of other owners of Whistler's work who may be willing to contribute.

Now, how do you feel about my sending say, three