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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 4th, 1905.

My dear Mr. Morse:

Your kind letter of November 3rd reached me while at breakfast this morning. And I am much pleased with the attractive programme you have arranged for my little visit.

I am very sorry that I cannot be with you on Monday morning instead of Tuesday morning. But I feel that it would be somewhat rash on my part to leave here before Monday evening. However, we will have two delightful days, I am sure. And you may expect me between nine and ten o'clock on Tuesday morning next.

It will be delightful to see Miss Watson's Whistlers, too. I am glad that you managed to get them out of the clutches of the Custom House officials without paying duty.

With anticipations of a delightful visit, I remain, with kindest regards,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

Charles J. Morse, Esq.,
#1825 Asbury Avenue,
Evanston, Illinois