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#915 Union Trust Building, 
Detroit, Michigan, 
November 4th, 1905.

Wilson Eyre, Esq., 
#929 Chestnut Street, 

Dear Sir:- 

I am in receipt of yours of the 1st instant enclosing certificate No. 4 for account of alterations to Mr. Freer's residence, for Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars, ($225.00), said amount being for the electric wiring contractor. 

The certificate as made out, that is in the name of Carew and Chase, is correct, and I have advised Mr. Carew that the certificate was issued and payment of the amount made to the sub-contractor. 

I am enclosing to you, herewith, a list of estimates handed in by Mr. Carew this morning, aggregating Four thousand Five hundred Dollars, ($4,500.00), which amount included the Two hundred and Twenty-five Dollars, ($225.00) paid, as per certificate No. 4, against which item I have noted such information in red ink.

Will you kindly issue another certificate to Messrs. Carew and Chase at your pleasure, and greatly oblige. 

Very truly yours, 
JM Kennedy
